The Science of Online Business Podcast

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Mastering Money Mindset and Scaling Your Business with Gina Knox

Jess O'Connell Episode 141

Want to become unbothered about money, save for the future, and scale your business?

Tune in to our eye-opening conversation with money coach Gina Knox, the creator of Six Figure Saver and the Seven Figure Wealth Mastermind. Gina has completely transformed the way I think about making and saving money in my business and personal life, and I'm excited for you to reap the benefits too!

In this information-packed episode, we explore Gina's unique approach to money coaching and her cash flow waterfall theory. Learn how her Six Figure Saver program has led clients to achieve over $4 Million in submitted savings wins since January 2021. We discuss strategies for breaking the cycle of money trauma, the importance of exposing yourself to your bank account, and Gina's insight on how to create a scalable financial system that works for you.

Finally, Gina shares her journey of going from making $30,000 a year to having $10,000 a month in owner's pay, and how her mindset shifted over time. Discover the power of community, the value of investing in specialized programs, and how to honor the nuance of the six-figure saving process. Don't miss this game-changing episode that could change your financial future forever.

Check out Gina's Masterclass :


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Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome back to the Quantum Course Creator podcast. Just here and today, I am so excited to introduce you to my guest, Gina Knox. If you are not familiar with her, she is a money coach. Her clients call her money's mom and she completely changed the way that I think about making and saving money for my business and in my business. I joined Gina's funnel her list probably a year ago now, And about six months ago I joined her program Six Figure Saver, And this program completely changed the way that I look at money, the way that I was spending money and saving money in my business as well as spending and saving money in my personal life. And I just recently joined her mastermind, Seven Figure Wealth, where you learn how to take some of those savings and invest them to build wealth for the future.

Speaker 1:

I love the way that Gina thinks and talks about money. I think sometimes in the industry we can run into people who talk about only like the spiritual, energetic side of money, but not the tactical, like actual steps you can take to make and save more money, And that's something that I found so powerful about my work with Gina and that we're going to talk about on today's podcast. Since entering her world and entering her program, I have saved over five figures, which is bananas to me, because money has always been something that felt hard and scary and overwhelming to me. But with her program and guidance and coaching, I have not only been able to save more money, but also spend better in my business and start investing that money for the future. I know in the episode that we said that I would update where I am with all of these things, So I wanted to share that. I have opened a brokerage account and I'm currently working on funding that so that I can start investing in stocks and all of these fun things too. So I'm so excited with the progress that I've already seen working with Gina and I'm so excited for you to check out today's episode. I hope it gives you some big a haze about saving money and your ability to save money, as well as ways to grow your business and think about the money in your business. So I will let Gina and Jess take it away.

Speaker 1:

What change becomes possible when a hundred thousand people are impacted by your work? This question came to me one day and I have been working to find the answer ever since. Hi, I'm Jess and I help online course creators amplify their influence and create a movement with their message, And on this podcast, I am sharing the simple strategies and systems to help you impact more people with your programs so you can create quantum growth in your industry. You are listening to the Quantum Course Creator podcast. Welcome to the show. Gina Hi, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to chat with you today Likewise, So I want to just jump right in and ask you a little bit more about you, what you do, who you help and go from there Great.

Speaker 2:

So my name is Gina Knox. I'm the creator of Six Figure Saver and the Seven Figure Wealth Mastermind. My people lovingly call me Money's Mom. That was a nommaker, a nickname that I got many years ago And I help entrepreneurs save $100,000 and then build a Seven Figure portfolio, and there's so much underneath that umbrella. That's a huge umbrella, but really a lot of what the work we do is putting together money systems so that your money is set, especially as entrepreneurs with irregular income, and then doing the mindset work that's required to really start feeling unbothered about money. I think this is huge for entrepreneurs. We money bothers us a lot And all of those emotions that, really like roller coaster experience is getting in the way of entrepreneurs scaling their businesses, and so I'm really passionate about helping people become unbothered about their money and then have their money, you know, like a system in place to help it work for them. I love that And actually I wanted to tell everybody about this.

Speaker 1:

I love that And actually I wanted to tell everybody like that's why I hired you as a coach. So I'm in Six Figure Saver and I'm now in the Seven Figure Wealth Mastermind And I remember I don't remember exactly how I got into your funnel I was trying to figure that out But I had been in it for a while, like over six months. I think. I had seen you launch Six Figure Saver multiple times and I would read the emails, i would consider it, but I kept feeling like and I told you this like I don't make enough money to save Six Figures, or like my money is not consistent enough to save Six Figures, and so like I wanted to save Six Figures but like I couldn't get past the like I don't have enough, or like that does not compute in my brain for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You and everybody else. Exactly right. And I think that's what's so great about that promise, is it kind of like disrupts your thought pattern? and you're like, wait, like I, I can't do that. And they're like, could I do that? Like, and it's a really cool evolution.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's funny, i get that. I mean first of all those like those two questions do I make enough? And like, can I do that? And can I do it with my irregularity of my cash flow? I get those questions constantly, so we can talk about that. But also I also get the name of your program like stop me in my tracks And like the name of your program. Like I get a lot of people who are like I didn't even have the goal to save Six Figurez until you said it and you created that possibility in the world And then I decided that I wanted it. So yeah, and it's funny, because I didn't even like Six Figurez a very as a name when I first picked it, like I sent a pull out to my, to my people and they loved it And I was like okay, i'll just go with it, it's fine, i could change it later if I want. And now I'm like, oh no, this is like my whole thing, it's like my whole brand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so funny, right, like I think that I know for me personally, i don't love like number figure names because they feel so played out, but what I love about yours is that like it's so different, right, it's not like 10 K months, like, because that's so played, or like make 100 K in a year. It's like save, like we've all been thinking about making Six Figurez, what about saving it? And it's like ooh, that sounds hard, Absolutely. Speaking of you naming your program, how did you become a course creator? I know a little bit of your story from like working with you, but I'd love to kind of learn your origin story. Yeah, so I have a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in design.

Speaker 2:

I don't have a formal financial training and I got a degree for interaction design, which is now more commonly called product design or use of the design, and I went to school in San Francisco Tech Hub. I'm from San Francisco and I went into tech like right away. I got a really great job at Intuit post college and I kind of sought them out pretty strongly. I saw that they were going to be at our career fair and I, like on my lunch break from work, ran to the school, went up to the booth, handed them my resume and was like I want to work at Intuit. And they were like you know who we are? I'm like, yes, and like all the other the Googles, the Adobe's, like Netflix, all the other big, flashy tech companies had lines of students waiting to talk to the recruiters And Intuit was just kind of like chilling and I was like I want to work for you guys. And I really wanted to work for them because I'm really passionate about financial literacy, financial topics, helping people with their finances. So that's kind of been a through line in my career, even before I became a coach, and I told them I remember my first time doing my taxes being so freaked out and like it's a black box. What if I mess it up? What if I get audited? I don't know how this works, i don't know what this is. And, using TurboTax for the first time, i was like, oh my God, i'm going to be a real badger. I don't know how this works, i don't know what this is. And using TurboTax for the first time, i was like, oh my God, i can like see how the process works. And so I just loved my experience with TurboTax. So that's why I sought them out to work for them, and I just badgered them so much that they finally gave me a job.

Speaker 2:

And I got a job as a design researcher on the QuickBooks team The makers of TurboTax and QuickBooks. I worked for QuickBooks, which is small business accounting, as many of you know, and I spent five years there as a researcher And my entire job was just to interview entrepreneurs and accountants and CFOs about their money so that we were making products that solved their problems. That was my whole job. So in the five years I worked there, i interviewed over 400 entrepreneurs, which is a lot And like all the way from like small side hustlers to $83 million a year, 50 person law firms. Like I did the whole gamut And you can't help but be inspired when that's your whole job, like you literally just can't help it. And I knew that at the core. I didn't care necessarily what my craft was. I knew I wanted to help people with money. So if that was being a designer, if that was being a researcher, if that was doing something else, i was happy to just be helping people with their money.

Speaker 2:

And I was coming to kind of this rut in my career where I was. I remember a this is a long-winded story but I'm going to keep going I remember a manager being like sitting me down for like a personal development goals chat And she was like so what are your goals? Because you know like this will be a long career, like you have 30 more years. And I was like what You mean I have to be here for like it's a really great job, but like 30 more years I don't know about that. And I just kind of like came to this moment of I don't know what I want to do next, but I know I want to do something else next And I started financial coaching with some friends from work and like just talking to them about money and helping them come up with budgets and helping them like navigate their stock grants from the company and their 401ks and all of that.

Speaker 2:

And it kind of took off from there. And then it was a very natural evolution to working with entrepreneurs because of all of my experience already working with entrepreneurs at QuickBooks. So I was like why don't I marry my love of finance and my subject matter expertise here and help entrepreneurs? So that's kind of how I became a financial coach And then how I started Six Figure Saver. I'm trying to remember back. it's kind of a for the coaching industry. It's a rather old program. At this point It's like coming up on four years, i think, or three years.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember. I think three years actually, but I think, like like many of us, i was just like I want to make a course just because like that's the thing you do, right, and so I put it together and I sold it And it's definitely gone through many iterations. Like Six Figure Saver now is probably unrecognizable to what Six Figure Saver was when I first launched it, and also the selling of Six Figure Saver has just vastly improved but also vastly shifted. So so yeah, it's almost like how I created it, and why I created it is almost irrelevant to what it is now, which is kind of interesting. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

I love that, and so one of my biggest like values and one of the things like that I aspire to help people with is people starting movements, not just courses. And that was one of the reasons why I felt so drawn to your ecosystem is that Six Figure Saver and Saving Six Figures is a movement. It's not just a course, right, it's not just like I'm going to teach you this thing. It's like I'm creating a movement of people who are becoming Six Figure Savers, and I think that it's the identity that we take on when we join your program, when we work through it, like that's so valuable And I think, like it's such an aspirational thing when we enter.

Speaker 1:

Like for me again, like luckily, i've gone through your funnel. I like, no, I've gone through your program. Like I have some insider knowledge, but like I think that it's like this, you want that right. Like before I became a Six Figure Saver, i wanted to be a Six Figure Saver And that's what's so cool about creating a movement, even though you didn't maybe realize it or mean to you, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

But it's so much more than just a course, it's a full ass movement.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think too which may be relevant to your audience I think like me sticking with it even though the program has changed. I didn't change the name, not that, like, you can change the name of your course. I'm not saying don't, but I'm like I stuck with it even through the evolution of the course, even though the course is completely unrecognizable to what it used to be. I think that's because I had that movement at the core, right, it's not about the course content. The course content is always going to change because I'm always improving it. It's about, like, why are we here and what is the mission of being in this program and in this community? And I think that that has definitely helped me stick with it for three years. And now I can't imagine ever I mean, who knows what's going to happen in five years but I'm like, I think that this is just going to be a core part of my business moving forward.

Speaker 2:

It's not just like some little side course.

Speaker 1:

Totally. It's like this little side hustle thing, right. So one of the things that I love about Six Figure Saver is how much Six Figure Savers have saved, so do you want to share how? much collectively, your community has saved.

Speaker 2:

Let me pull up, because I track my client wins on Airtable and we have Oh no, it is four, Oh no, it's three years. We started in 2021.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So we I launched the program in 2020. We didn't start tracking till January 2021. So since January of 2021, and this is all clients submitted wins, so this is like what they have submitted into the tracker. This is not even indicative of what everyone has probably saved. Yeah, $326,311.97. And by the time we're done with this podcast recording, it'll probably be higher. Yeah, we are averaging right now for 2023. We're averaging around $6,700 of submitted savings wins per day.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

I know It's so fun. I have it in my bio, I have like in my Instagram bio client savings for 2023. And I'm always I need to like create a process because I am always updating that thing I love Every day. You know what?

Speaker 1:

I watched that update thing, Like because I think I remember when it was like three, because again I've been in the funnel a minute and I was like oh my God, now it's $4 million, And when you posted about it like holy buckets, Like. So I mean think about that level of impact, that your program has created $4 million in savings in other people's lives.

Speaker 2:

And the way I think about it truly is like that's not, that's probably like half of what it actually created, a fraction of what it really is Right. Because that's just what, like the active people submitted. But yeah, we're definitely We're going to hit $5 million this year and I want to plan some, something fun, something exciting for $5 million.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be amazing, yeah, okay, so let's Oh go ahead, sorry Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

No, I was just going to say to your point of like the effect the $4.3 million has made. I also think this is why I like the movement itself is that number represents so much more than that number. That number represents like entire families and lives changed and the ripple effects of that That's what really keeps me going is just like this is about. I mean money. I always say I'm a life coach that just like uses money to get into the weeds with you, And so that $4.3 million represents so much, so many ripple effects that I can't even begin to fathom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and since you brought that up, i think that's a really good point that for me, like I did not grow up with money and we've talked about this Like I grew up with like poverty and generational poverty and all of these things and like something I love about you and I think that your lens of experience is that you were the opposite And so money feels unbothery to you because it just never been a bother ever And I am so excited and because of our work together, my kids will grow up without being bothered about money, like that buck stops here and like I'm creating that for my kids and their kids and like the generational change and the impact that it has, zooming even just a little bit further out, you're really changing people's lives. You're changing their kids' lives. you're changing generations' lives Like you are changing. It's massive.

Speaker 2:

I always say I'm the trust fund baby. Your kids will be Cause like, yeah, my biggest. That's like how gratifying that, like I get to help you, help your kids, never worry about money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

That's huge Money trauma is like I coach on it every day. I coach my clients through the money trauma of growing up poor or of seeing their parents foreclose on a house or seeing parents go through bankruptcy, or like I coach on that all the time and it's such good work, it's such important work And I'm like, wow, imagine how much further your kids will be cause they're not going to have to spend time coaching on this, they're not going to have to go to therapy for this, like they can just move on to the next phase of whatever it is that their goal is Exactly Huge.

Speaker 1:

That is huge.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I want to dig into the like the strategy side of this too, because I'm a very numbers focused like strategy kind of person And that was one of the things that I really loved, or love about your program and working with you is that it is mindset Absolutely You are a life coach around money. But also like the tangible tactical strategies are second to none. Because I've taken, i've read all of the books about personal finance. Like I have read all the things I have done, the money courses, like I have sat in like yoga poses and just imagined my life with millions of dollars, but none of that compares to even like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Like the first day I'm watching Six Figure Saver and I'm like she just explained the buckets to me and my life is forever changed. Like why was nobody ever explained it like this before? And it was like like not just like yes, the money mindset amazing. And like the actual practical strategies for variable income entrepreneurs next freaking level. So tell me a little bit more about we know that you help people save Six Figures. How do you help them save Six Figures?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Let's talk about it. Let's talk about the buckets and let's talk about the buffer.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so good. I think that's basically two. I think like my story, having not come through a traditionally financial education, having gone to design school and done that I think that that's why Six Figure Saver is so good is. I'm not trying to shove the financial jargon on you, i'm really just trying to, like, use my design skills to simplify a complex system so that it's really really simple for you. So if you're listening to this and you feel like you're creating a course about something that you don't have a traditional background in, that's your superpower. Like, bringing in your intersectional identities is your superpower. So just a disclaimer there. Yeah, in case anyone needs to hear that Okay, let's talk about how to save Six Figures. It's really easy. Like it's so easy It's kind of embarrassing And nobody ever believes me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, here's the bucket system. Nobody believes me. I have a client who literally just saved 102. She just submitted her $100,000 mark a couple weeks before finishing the program, and she's like I didn't believe you, like I still kind of don't believe that it happened, and I'm like, ah, this is my curse, anyways.

Speaker 2:

So there is the theory of the cashflow waterfall And I'm going to explain the theory, and then there's the implementation of the theory, which is a little, it's like, really simple, honestly. So I want you to imagine a bucket and I want you to imagine water pouring into the bucket every month. Water is money. So you have cash that comes into your business bank account every month, and every month it's a different amount. I don't care what your business model is, i don't care if you're evergreen, i don't care if you're launching, i don't care Like it's different every month. That's just true for every single business I've ever seen And I've seen hundreds of them. So you have a bucket and water is coming in. The first bucket is called your break even bucket. Your break even is how much money it costs to run your business generally on a monthly basis. And, by the way, that number is also different every month because we invest in a course randomly or we hire a project person to do something. You know that that number is different.

Speaker 2:

So I want you to take the average expenses over the last six months, not including taxes and not including owners pay. Take the average. Take the average is $5,000. Then I want you to pick an owner's pay. How much are you going to commit to paying yourself every single month, no matter what? There's some philosophies out there that say pay yourself 50% of every sale you make. I hate that. I truly hate that, because that keeps you in Feaster famine as well, because your money is different every single month, so that means your owner's pay is going to be different every month. Hate it. Pick an owner's pay that you feel comfortable picking.

Speaker 2:

So let's say you say it's $2,000. So we have $5,000 average monthly expenses, $2,000 owners pay. Now we have $7,000 for our break even. That's your first bucket. Every month, when money comes into your bank account, if you make $7,000, you broke even, yay, you're going to pay yourself. You're going to pay your expenses. You're going to move on to the next month. Now what happens if you made $10,000 cash that month? Now you have $3,000 more than your break even.

Speaker 2:

I want you to imagine that the bucket has like a spout, kind of like a fountain, and when it hits the top point, the extra water flows out and it flows into the next bucket. The next bucket is called your working capital fund. Another way to say this is savings, but I intentionally don't call it business savings, because people get weird when it comes to spending their savings. They have lots and lots of thoughts about spending your savings, and my philosophy is that your working capital is there to be spent, it's not there to be saved. That's why we call it working capital. It's working for us.

Speaker 2:

So let's say you make $10,000. $3,000 is going to spill over and land in your working capital fund. Great, now I have $3,000 in my working capital. Now let's say it's the next month and I only made $6,000. I didn't break even. Very common Something went wrong. By the way, i don't break even all the time. My break even is like $21,000 now And in January I made $9,000. I don't break even all the time. So common experience. What do we do? I only made six. My breaking even a seven. I want you to pick up the working capital bucket, like physically, and then pour it on top. Just pour it into the break even bucket. So you need to make up $1,000 in order to continue paying yourself and paying your expenses. You're going to take that extra 1,000 from your working capital to move forward. So now your working capital only has 2,000. Then, let's say the next month you have a launch, $30,000 comes in. You get to put what is that? 10, 30 minus 7? 20. 23?

Speaker 1:

23. 23. I don't do mental math either.

Speaker 2:

OK, i'm like hysterically bad at arithmetic in my head, anyways. So now you're putting $23,000 into working capital. That's great. Let it sit there, because you're going to need it next month when you also don't break even again. So this is my philosophy for how we save on irregular income, but also how you consistently pay yourself. When do you give yourself a raise Is when you're pretty consistently putting money into working capital. Working capital contributions should not be a monthly occurrence. If they are, that means your owner's pay is too low And it's a great barometer Like, oh, i've been able to fund my working capital like three months in a row. I should probably give myself a raise because I can stand, my business can with hold. No, what's the word? You stand, yeah, my business can withstand a higher break even point. So that's the theory. I'll pause Any thoughts, any questions you want to add.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this for me. I was like hold please. And literally right before I joined Six Figure Saver, I bought Profit first and I was texting my bookkeeper And I'm like I need to pay myself more consistently. I'm the breadwinner And I was like I don't. I am really struggling with the like I make the money in the business and then like anything else left in the business is personal And that was not working.

Speaker 2:

I hate it.

Speaker 1:

Some months it would be less, some months it would be more. Some months I would go spend a lot of money at Target. Some months I wouldn't. I had nothing in savings And it was chaos And it was really like wreaking havoc on my family because my income is the income, and so I was like I need a freaking system that's simple, that I can follow, that makes me feel in control, and the idea of setting owners pay, not just it being everything else massive, also feeling safe, spending savings, game changer. Right.

Speaker 1:

When you said that savings are meant to be spent, i was like you just changed my entire life Because one growing up we never had savings and no one taught us how to save. But my in-laws are the opposite side of that. They are like hyper-savers And they're like every dollar is meant to be saved And you're never allowed to spend your savings. And if you ever touch savings then you're going to hell And it's like, ok, there has to be a middle ground here. So I had growing up conditioning of what is savings Just spend it because you got it. And when you have inconsistent money, it's like, oh god, we have to spend it while we have it because it won't stay. And then my in-laws, who've been in my life for almost 20 years at this point, were like no, you cannot spend any money that you saved that is meant to go to the grave or whatever. So I was like there has to be this middle ground, and you unlocked that for me.

Speaker 2:

And I think that it's really a balance between this YOLO mentality because some people will take savings are meant to be spent and be like whoa going to go party.

Speaker 2:

I don't think most people do that, but I think that there is a YOLO mentality that can be kicked off, and then there could be the other opposite side, that you're in-laws, where it's a hoarding mentality. The reason I think savings are meant to be spent in every occasion, no matter what. There's no exception to that rule. The reason I love it is because the natural next question is what do I want to spend it on? And then that creates intention. I have savings that are meant to be spent on emergencies. My car broke down. I need new tires, the plumbing, i need a higher plumber, and so it's a pot of money that I don't have exactly earmarked for what it will be, but I know it'll be for an emergency because emergencies come up.

Speaker 2:

I have a huge pot of money that I'm not touching right now that is designed to be spent on my retirement. Retirement is one of the most expensive things you'll ever buy And I can't wait to spend that money, but I'm not spending it right now. I have savings that are designed to be spent on my tax payment. I have savings that are designed to be spent on investing in my business. I have savings that are designed to be spent on frivolous things that happen because I have a whim. So it's not to say that it's all short-term spending, but it's like if every dollar is designed to be spent, how would you view it differently And how could you release judgment when you spend it?

Speaker 2:

That's such a huge thing that entrepreneurs go through. It's like I see it all the time, especially with my peers who are scaling to the 500k mark. They'll have this intense shame of I had a low cash month. I don't know what to do. I'm going to start selling one-on-one coaching again, or I'm just going to scramble to put together a launch to bring in money. And I'll ask them do you have savings? And they go yeah, but I can't touch it.

Speaker 2:

And I say why You deciding that you can't touch your savings is wreaking havoc on your business. You're now running around like a chicken with your head off trying to sell different offers or whip together a launch last minute, all because you are going to shame yourself for spending your savings, when instead you could just spend your savings and move on and then replenish them faster. So it's like oh, it's a huge thing. So to your point about. I'm so passionate about the mindset coaching, but I think the systems support the mindset coaching. We need to get your systems in place first and then we'll coach on all your thoughts about it, and a lot of times some of the systems just clear out the mindset coaching that we don't even need to do anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yes, i think for me, two things that I'm in the practice of right now are the buffer system and looking at my bank account and not doing anything, and I'm in the middle of the 30 days, though I honestly feel like I'll just look at my bank account every day at this point. I've been doing it for like 23 days or something, and I used to be in Ostrich. I would never look at my bank account. I did set up text message alerts where, if it was at a certain level under $100, it would let me know, but I wouldn't log in every day, i wouldn't check it, and it was because I was afraid of what it would tell me, and so I knew if it was going to go negative, but I didn't know anything beyond that, and so I've been looking at it every single day and then following the buffer system. If we want to talk about exposure therapy and the buffer system.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about the buffer. So the cash flow waterfalls, the theory How do you implement the theory without constantly transferring money back and forth, because we don't want you to spend hours on end in your bank account? It's very simple. You pick a buffer And if any of you guys listening are software nerds or logic nerds, all it is is an if this then that statement. It's really simple. You pick a buffer that you're going to leave in your checking account at any given moment. Your buffer does not need to be one full break even month. Your buffer, the way I like to pick it is what is my largest automated expense that I know is leaving the account without. Maybe it's an automated credit card payment, maybe it's an automated owner's pay. What's my largest automated expense? And then can I add $500 on top of that. So for me, my buffer is actually quite low. My break even is $21,000 right now. My buffer is $1,500. It's quite low. So the if this then that statement goes If you log in and your balance is greater than buffer, so for me, greater than $1,500, then move the remainder to working capital. So I just this just happened the other day Let's, let's log in, let's take a look.

Speaker 2:

I think, i think I just moved money this morning. I logged in and my account was at like 2000 something, something, something, cents. Because I got a strike payout And I ended up moving. I'll tell you right now. Let me pull it up. I just moved $939.30 into working capital. Right, it's a very specific number because I just want to make sure I leave 1500 in the checking. So if this, then that, then we set a trigger number. I want you to think of your trigger number, like your floor, like what is the minimum mat, like truly minimum, that you want to leave in the account at any given moment. For me, because my buffer is quite low, my trigger is a thousand. So if I log in and I see that there's 1300, i'm not going to do anything. But if I log in and there's less than my trigger, so if account, if checking balance, is under a thousand, then I will move money from working capital to bring it back up to my buffer.

Speaker 2:

And there's different strategies, like I coach people on picking their buffer and their trigger number, depending on their numbers and how money moves in their businesses. The reason my buffer is so low is because I don't have very many automated payments. So what I do is, when I go to pay myself, like I paid myself the other day I will just do a lump sum transfer into my checking so that it clears and it goes out. Some people don't like to do that. Some people like to leave, like I have a client whose buffer is a hundred thousand dollars And that's more than a month.

Speaker 2:

She has a two million dollar year business, so she has pretty high expenses. But a hundred thousand dollars will last her for like a month and a half, so that's what she feels comfortable with. So we'll coach on your buffer and your trigger depending. But it makes it so easy because literally you don't have to check your spreadsheet, you don't have to text your bookkeeper. All you do is log in and you do the if this, then that statement, and if you need to move money, you do, and then, if you don't, you just log out And then that's it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, literally the whole thing. I think that's so key because I think that before this concept, which is stupid, easy Really- really stupid easy.

Speaker 1:

When's my next payment coming out? Do I have enough to cover the payment? Like I need to go look at my thing And it was so much mental load to try to figure out when and if things were gonna go through and all of that, and I just feel like I'm not unbothered yet but I definitely feel like more ease, like I do not. It's funny because, like I also track when I check my balance, like how do I feel about it? And it's gone from like anxious And even though there's like the other cool thing is like the number changes so much Like day to day, all of my balances fluctuate so much And I think that, like looking at it, my mood about it has also fluctuated a lot. It was like uncomfortable, anxious, like nervous, and then like weirdly, like there was one day where I'm like weirdly anxious, though everything is fine, and then it's just kind of like fine, great, cool, okay, like, and it's really becoming more neutral and less like, less charged. And I think that that's the point of exposure therapy.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's so important because if you, if the circumstance, if whatever the dollar amount number that's in your bank account is directly dictating your mood, you are giving away all your power to the bank account Because, like you said, it doesn't matter if you're successful business owner or not. Your balance is gonna change daily And until you figure out how to not feel anything about it like, oh my God, the lost opportunity. Imagine if you log into your bank account and you see a number that you hate and you feel anxious and terrible and awful about. How is that gonna affect your marketing? How is that gonna affect your decision making?

Speaker 2:

Like, i truly think Six Figure Saver is a scaling program, because you can't scale your business with the mental load of, like this financially charged energy. You just physically can't. Because scaling a business requires you to make clear decisions, it requires you to show up for your business, it requires you to market and learn and innovate, and it's really hard to do those things when you're anxious as hell about your money. It's really just difficult, and so I'm like why don't we just clear that anxiety out And then you can go scale way more easily?

Speaker 1:

Yes, And I think that it's that like presence to the numbers and like not ignoring the numbers, which is something I teach with like your marketing and yet with money it felt totally different, but like being present to the numbers and then removing like the emotional charge. With that presence and being able to say like so for example, i hit my trigger number and I moved things over. But I also know that, like I have a stripe transfer coming in tomorrow and I used to be like my name is Jess and I am a recovering stripe instant transferaholic And every month my bookkeeper would be like stop instant transferring. You spent like $500 this month on instant transfer fees.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, but like I'm like, but it was so frantic where, like, i'm losing so much money because in the moment, i'm like, well, yeah, $47 is totally worth having this $5,000 now. where, like, i didn't know when money was going in, when it's going out. I didn't have all of these things. I was literally losing money. And now I'm like it's cool, like, yeah, it's a little low, but nothing is coming out until that payment comes tomorrow, and it's fine, like we're cool, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Well, the buffer system literally saving you hundreds of dollars, probably thousands, a year, completely.

Speaker 1:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

$500 a month is, that's $6,000 a year Shut up. I don't need that information. Six figure saver saving you $6,000.

Speaker 1:

I just got instant transferring Literally.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'll hit my trigger and I'll check Stripe and then I just will be like, oh, it'll come tomorrow, i'm not even going to move money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly Like nothing's coming out between now and then, i don't need to do that, it'll be fine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It'll be fine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm glad to hear that we're stopping the instant transfers.

Speaker 2:

That makes me happy.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've been to transfer since I joined Six Figure Saver. Like I think that just getting my shit together and like knowing when things are going out, knowing when things are coming in, knowing what my numbers are, having again like having working capital These are things that I've never had before. Having like a consistent owner's pay Again. I've been in business since 2019. I have been the breadwinner in my family for four and a half years at this point and we were flying by the seat of our finance pants And it would be like I'd have a good lunch and I'd be like awesome, let's go crazy. And like I didn't, or like I would have an emergency and it'd be like take it out of the business And I hated that system. It didn't feel good and it didn't feel like a long-term solution. And now, like I have an owner's pay. I also I'm an S corp now, so I have like payroll.

Speaker 2:

I had to be too.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, i have payroll expenses and distributions And rather than like again, the prior system was like $100 a year, $600 a year, $1,000 a year. Oh shit, rent's due, let's do this much. And now, like I have consistent distributions twice a month, like I don't know, i just feel like took the panic out of my business. I'm glad to hear that.

Speaker 2:

That was my goal.

Speaker 2:

I think too for your listeners, cause there's two ways that this goes. Cause I always have these people, people who are like making five figures a year, who are like okay, but I'm not there yet, like I don't need to do that yet. And to them I'll say I've been paying myself a consistent owner's pay since I was making $30,000 a year. I think it's a very misguided logic to say I'll start paying myself when I make more, because what happens is we expand to fit the space we have. So if you don't start paying yourself now, you're just gonna, as you scale, you're just gonna fill that budget space with other business things Business, investments, expenses, software team. You have to prioritize yourself now so that you make space And then, as you scale, you give yourself raises along the way.

Speaker 2:

So I started with $1,000 a month owner's pay And now I'm at a $10,000 a month owner's pay And I've just pushed it up slowly, slowly. So that's one thing. If you're listening and you're like I don't make enough money for this to apply, that is not true. And if you're a side hustler, paying myself consistently is what helped me feel confident in quitting my job, because I knew I didn't have to take this leap of faith. It was just my paycheck was just gonna continue, just not through my job, through my business. So that's one. And then to the other people who are on the other side of 100K, maybe on the other side of 250, who are just thinking I just need to make more money, gina.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't That's what.

Speaker 2:

I would. No, you don't. You should, because making more money is amazing and fun and delicious, but you do not need to make more money. You need to start using your money correctly now And you will find that you have so much more space than you think you do. It's kind of like magic.

Speaker 2:

Like I had a client who was making 300K a year, which is objectively a lot of money, and she was constantly overdrafting her bank account. She was constantly paying herself the bare minimum to like pay her bills, but then like putting money back into the business to pay payroll, so the money was just a hot mess between the two. She was stressed out of her mind And I'm like you're not gonna scale this way. This is not a scalable system, literally. So when we cleaned it up like she's now paying herself $25,000 a month, i think, and like and it started, though, with like a $3,500 a month owner's pay right And it's scaled.

Speaker 2:

So, just like we think about how can I build a scalable course, how can I build a scalable program, how can I do scalable marketing. You also have to think about how can I build a scalable financial system And if what you're doing now with your money feels any kind of like anxiousness or feels like any kind of like way. It's probably not a scalable financial system And it doesn't matter if you only make 30K a year, like I did, or if you're making 300K a year or more. So, anyways, i just wanna address all the people, because all the people have thoughts, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is such a charged topic, right, it really is. There's so much shame around money. Like, again, i've never talked about the fact that my money was a hot freaking mess because, like, objectively, i make a decent amount of money in my business And like I am a breadwinner, but like that doesn't mean that I had this shit together. I had no savings, and now I have savings on personal savings and business savings And like it's just been so and again, i joined what two months ago and now I have like four figures in personal savings and in business savings and like working capital and all the things. And I just feel like like okay, i have a plan, like I have a plan and we can do this And it doesn't feel complicated.

Speaker 1:

And oh, the other thing I wanted to talk about was the thing I texted you or messaged you on Instagram about during your launch And that I like again, i think that our brains like to think of fun reasons why we don't need something, and I was like I was talking to my husband about it And I was like she's not just gonna teach me how to save $8,000 a month, right, like that's. I'm like cause I don't make enough money to save $8,000 a month. In a hundred, k divided by 12 is eight or eight, 33 or whatever. And I was like that's not the whole strategy, right, like it's not just one video. That's like you being like all right, to become a six figure saver, you have to save $8,333 a month, end course. And like, for some reason in my head, i'm like that's it though, right, like that math is how that math That is how it maths, but that's not reality.

Speaker 2:

No, because I talk about this in six figure saver the difference between staircase thinking and skyline thinking. So what you described as staircase thinking, i'm gonna save $8,333 and 33 cents a month for 12 months And then every month I'm gonna save the same amount. And it's like a little staircase up to the top, and the top of the staircase is a hundred K And this is very much like. I think that this is very much ingrained in us from like the nine to five employee mindset, maybe even starting in school, like we get the grades and we move on to second grade, then third grade, then fourth grade, and it's kind of like the factory mentality in a sense. And it makes sense, it truly does. It's a beautiful story, but it's a fantasy. That's not how entrepreneurship works And I would venture to say it's not how even people with nine to five's personal finances work. We have variability. We have variability in our income, we have variability in our expenses And it's not just about carving out a certain amount of money every month to put aside.

Speaker 2:

The reality is that your process is gonna look like the outline of a city skyline. If you imagine a city skyline. It's like up and down, and up and down, and up and down. The problem happens when people think it's gonna be a staircase and then it's not. And then they shame themselves. They think I did it wrong. Everybody else is on the staircase and I failed. And it's like no, nobody's on the staircase. The staircase doesn't exist.

Speaker 2:

And like how can you first of all learn like implement the buffer system and implement the cash flow waterfall And then like learn how to create and capitalize on those what I call skyscraper months, which is like big influxes of cash that happen?

Speaker 2:

Maybe you have a client paying full unexpectedly, you book a VIP day, you have a launch, whatever it is, and that is what will get you to 100K. But also a part of saving 100K is spending your savings, and the moment you like let go of that vice grip that you have on the process, the faster it will happen. Instead of thinking about how can I hoard all my weight like my way to 100K, how can I put more money in and more money in, more money in, i instead want you to think about how can I go through the replenishing cycles faster and faster. So I'm gonna put money in, i'm gonna spend it, and then I'm gonna replenish it, and then I'm gonna get to the next level and then replenish it again, because the reality is we're just all going through replenishing cycles. We're not going through like a staircase to 100K.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i think that's so key, and for me, another big realization was that, like, saving is an action word. Yeah it's a verb Like you're saving 100K, that doesn't mean you have 100K sitting in a bank account, because I think there's some like weird. I mean I don't know about you, but it is for me like oh God, like that seems like too much money, that is unsafe, like I shouldn't have that just sitting there, like I feel like that's not a good idea either, and so it's not like you're like.

Speaker 1:

I will. We got lots of time.

Speaker 2:

We got lots of time, we'll deal with that instead of being like But I hear what you mean like is the goal really to just have it?

Speaker 1:

Exactly like. It's not that it's, that's not. The end goal is to have 100K. It's the action of saving 100K and it's the practice of saving and spending, and saving and spending that ultimately makes you make more money and, like, get comfortable with that replenishing cycle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I talk about a lot like the six figure saving process can start with a 500, 500, ah, 500. The six figure saving process can start with a five figure business. I don't even need to make $100k to implement a six figure saving process because the process is about replenishing. And, to your point, maybe it doesn't make sense for everybody to have $100k cash, and then for some people it does. My client, who is making $2 million a year, $100k cash is the minimum she needs in her bank account at any given moment because her expenses are so high And for someone who's making their first $30k it probably doesn't make sense to have $100k cash sitting around. So there's nuance here, absolutely, and in my coaching style, i honor the nuance And at the same time I think it's like I think it's important to going back to the movement. It's important to set the movement and to like set the bar high for your people and believe that every single one of them can get there and then coach them through the nuance. Right, i also think too, i and I've told people who are very close to $100k and then they come to me all bothered.

Speaker 2:

They're like I'm just so close and I can't get there And I got to 60 and then I had to spend, and then I got to this and then I had to spend and like why can't I get there? And I like to think of it as like a pulsing thing. Like you're going to hit $100k in your bank account one day And then the next day $30k is going to go out for something, and so like I tell my clients I'm like take a screenshot, because it's not going to last Take a screenshot and enjoy it, but the next day money's going to leave the account and like that's normal. The goal is not to just like habit sitting and like be perfect. That's again going back to like staircase thinking and a bit of like perfectionism.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I want to think about it. Like breathing, like you breathe in and you breathe out, and you breathe in and you breathe out, and if you just hold your breath, like one day you're going to pass out And then you might die. But like, yeah, like it's this, it's this flow.

Speaker 2:

We could.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I could talk to you about this forever. So let's wrap this up. Tell my audience a little bit more about Six Figure Saver and where they can learn more and where they can just like get into your ecosystem in general.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay. So Six Figure Saver is a 12 month program. It's a hybrid, i would say, like course and coaching program. So we have a portal that has all the curriculum and a lot of what we talked about today the casual waterfall and the buffer system and so much more that you can access at any time. I'm sure if you all are all course creators, you know how the spiel works. And then you get 12 months of coaching, weekly coaching, and a 12 month access to our Slack channel where we're coaching in there Monday through Friday. In case you can't join us on the calls, we also have call replays. Some people love the call replays. More power to them. I cannot watch a replay to save my life, but they're all there.

Speaker 2:

And Six Figure Saver is really for it's for everybody. I know that may sound cliche and maybe I'm supposed to niche down more, but it's for entrepreneurs at any level. We have million dollar earners in Six Figure Saver and we have side hustlers earning their first five figures And the process works at every level. In fact, i think that my clients who joined Six Figure Saver at the five figure level, like 100K and below, are the ones who are setting themselves up for the most success because as they scale their businesses, they're not going to have to go back and implement this and like re, figure it all out. They're just going to scale with ease and their money already been done. So entrepreneurs of all sizes we even have some like, like I said, side hustlers. I sometimes get people who have nine to five. So we're like, can I join? And I'm like you can make yourself the exception. I mean, it works for personal finances too. So that's Six Figure Saver.

Speaker 2:

We are opening for enrollment again on Friday, june 23rd, and then we'll be open for seven days before we close until I think November is our next lunch I haven't gotten the dates down yet, but June 23rd. So whenever we're, whenever this is going out, that's the date And and that's how you can best work with me. What I would say is, if you want to learn more about me, see if I'm the kind of coach that you want to work with. If our values align, join my email list So you can go to Gina Knox dot co and join my email list. I send lots of emails. They're all very good in my opinion. I mean, some of them are worse than others, but you'll really quickly get a sense of who I am and my values and what kinds of coaching you'll receive from me, and so if you're like trying to suss me out, that's a great place. If you're more of a podcaster, you can listen to Save Six Figures with Gina Knox, to also get to know me a little bit better, and and we can go from there.

Speaker 1:

I love that And your emails are fire. I also message you on Instagram about that. I was like, girl, i am hanging on every word in your emailing me five times a day. I need a ton. And literally like at the end of the launch, like I think I bought it. Like the second to last day, and I was like I have read like 60 emails over the last two weeks, like of course I'm buying this stupid program. I'm like I am opening every email like as soon as it comes out And I'm like I just should I should buy this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my philosophy with emailing during launches is, first of all, i don't segment out my current clients. They get all my marketing emails And my current clients are the ones who read my emails the most, which is funny. They love my emails the most And my. My thought is like my launch should be just as valuable to the people who don't join. Like you should get just as much value from reading all my sales emails because they're so good. So no shame for emailing five times a day.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It was so good for me And I like it was like every single like red flag objection I had. You would answer it And I was like I have no more objections, i have no more. I have nothing that's making me say no at this point.

Speaker 2:

Actually to that point because you are helping people with their courses. I've been thinking about this. I was thinking about this on my walk the other day. I'm like I don't think I like the word objection. I don't either. I just don't think it's an objection. I just think everybody has questions And until their questions are answered, they're not going to be ready to join, and so that's also why I sent so much. Volume is like everybody has different questions And I just need to make sure I hit every question for every type of person. So I'm like yeah, it's not that people have objections to joining Six Fakers, saber. It's just they have lots of questions and I just need to make sure I answer them, and so do you listener. So don't be ashamed of emailing five times a day if you need to.

Speaker 1:

It's true, i think we need to email more. I think that we have such a weird relationship with emailing, like we're like calling people or something. That's not what the vibe is, it is. I think we need to email more. I think that that was one of my favorite things about your launch And I agree that I don't. I agree that objections is a really weird word. I don't like it. They're like red flag questions, right. They're like. yeah, i imagine like the ref throwing like a red flag like this is going to stop me from taking action Absolutely, and if the more red flag questions we can answer.

Speaker 2:

but like we clear the path. And also, like I just, i also want to answer as many questions as possible, because if I answer something that you don't agree with, i want you to know that now so that you don't join and then become an angry customer later. Like I, would much rather someone who is misaligned that doesn't join instead of getting sold in and then hating my program. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I totally agree.

Speaker 2:

Also, you know that we can just create folders in our emails, right, like I have folders for all my coaches and all of their emails get filtered there so that they don't gunk up my inbox, and then I go in and read them when I when I want. It's funny because we don't have these thoughts about Instagram, right, We're not like you're Instagramming too much, i'm going to unfollow you. But we do say that about email. It's so funny. People are funny. It is funny.

Speaker 1:

I know, i think that there's such like this weird vibe about email, but I think that we should email more. I think we should email differently, like email value first. And I don't know Like that's why I'm so excited to get into Kirsten's program. Yes, because I love how she teaches email and I'm so grateful that you introduced her to me too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Shout out to Kirsten Roldan Million Dollar Email. She also. Anyone who's been through that program, you're welcome. My brain created Million Dollar Email because I was Kirsten's one-on-one client and I was kicking and screaming about writing emails and she's like I can't with you anymore and she created Million Dollar Email. So you're all welcome. That program changed my life. I would not be emailing without Kirsten Roldan Period, So go follow her. If you want to email or learn more about email, She's great.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I'm so excited. I like rare. Well, I was on like a course buying hiatus and at this point we're basically just chatting and people can stop listening if they want to. But, like I really like. For two years I didn't buy a course and I feel like this year, finally, i'm like you know what, like I'm excited to learn from other genius women. Like it's not that I need to fit, like I have a hole, i just want to like absorb other people's amazingness Hot take.

Speaker 2:

As I scale. I'm working on 500K this year and then is this terrifying to say maybe a million next year As I scale. I don't want one-on-one coaches. I want courses and masterminds and communities And I want to join niche or specialist areas. So I'm thinking about rejoining million-dollar email. I've been a part of it and then I got kicked out after 12 months. I didn't resign. Now I'm thinking about resigning again just to get my email copy reviewed.

Speaker 2:

I'm in a lot of actually different programs. I'm in more programs now than I ever have been And I'm in specialist programs for specialist reasons. And, yeah, the more I scale, I'm like I don't want a one-on-one coach. I need to be in community with lots of people asking really good questions, And I think that when I was just starting out, I felt like, oh, is this a really spicy take? And I love one-on-one coaching. I love coaching clients one-on-one. So I'm not dissing one-on-one coaching in any way. I love it.

Speaker 2:

It changed my life. Maybe one-on-one coaching is for beginners And maybe groups. I think there's a level of business maturity where you get mature. I remember being like making my first 100K, being like I don't want to be in a group, I want someone focused just on me. And now I'm like I don't want someone just focused on me, I want to be in a group. Yeah, I need other people. I need other people, right, I need to see what other people are asking, because maybe I'm missing questions. Yeah, There's something there. I was thinking about it on my walk the other day. Maybe that'll change. Maybe in a year from now I'll listen to this podcast and cringe.

Speaker 1:

Who knows? No, you know. What's funny is I hadn't had a one-on-one coach since 2020. And then this year I don't have a one-on-one coach, but I did invest in two high-ticket one-on-one styles. They're hybrid services. So one is a high-ticket launching mentor who's teaching me her strategy and reviewing everything and making sure and also setting up my ads in the funnel and everything. And the other is a high-ticket branding And actually investing in my branding, because I've been DIYing my branding for five years and doing a brand intensive, or we're figuring out who the heck Jess O'Connell is And what is the brand, and I totally agree, and it's more specialized things. I don't need a coach to tell me here's how you make money. I agree that the kind of coaching that I need is totally served within seeing someone else get coached or self-coaching or on a group coaching call.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i recently hired a creative director, so I also have specialist team members who act more one-on-one And we have either team calls or one-on-one calls with that person And we talk about my branding and the upcoming webinar and all the stuff. And she has an agency that creates all of my design graphics for me as well. So I do think it's like, again, no hate to one-on-one coaching. I'm going to get so many hate comments for that At least I No. But it's like different stages of business. I think Sometimes need different things, and it's been interesting to see my own thoughts shift as someone who used to be like I don't want to be in a group, and now I'm like all I want to be is in a group.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love a group.

Speaker 1:

I do too. She makes a group. Yeah, i was thinking so I was actually messaging with. I was in a mastermind in 2021 with Jen Casey. Do you know who that is? She's amazing. She's like her business is called CEO Psyche, and so she does mindset and strategy around marketing and course creation and stuff Also. Another thing I love is that you're in a completely different circle than I am in, and so all of the people that you know were totally different people than I know, and I love I'm seeking mentors that are in different circles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we create kind of little clicks accidentally, i think.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I was talking to her last night about the fact that I just sold one of my companies about a month ago or about 18 days ago at this point And I met the person I sold it to in our mastermind. Amazing, and I think that we don't think about the long like I haven't been in that mastermind in two years, but the connections I made, the beliefs I shifted, the strategies I implemented two years ago are still paying off now. I met a friend who I then just sold my company to And I think that we forget the long term ROI on investments like this, with groups like the people you meet and the connections you form can serve you. You're a mom, so you'll get this reference. It's a mystery Mouska Tool right Like this tool might serve us later And I think we forget to look at that ROI too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's kind of like college or even high school, Like we all like. I took so many classes that I don't use on a daily basis, but it built my foundational knowledge and my. it built my foundation And I still use that now, even though I'm almost nearly 10 years out of college, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

I hit that milestone a couple of years ago, and that was hard, yeah, i graduated in 2016.

Speaker 2:

So I have three more years, but I'm like, oh, my goodness, anyways, i'm still using that foundational knowledge today, just like I'm using stuff that I learned in business investments three years ago as well. I 100% agree, and it's like you don't always know how the ROI is going to show up, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Totally Yeah, oh, we could talk about so much.

Speaker 1:

All the things I'm so excited to be in seven figure wealth and like, yeah, you me too Just be in your circle even more. Like I feel like even just the amount of time that I've been working with you has been so impactful already.

Speaker 2:

So I'm so excited to share you with my audience By the time this podcast airs, we'll be kind of in the thick of it with seven figure wealth, so I'm curious to like one. this podcast airs see where you're at.

Speaker 1:

I will record the intro for this right before.

Speaker 2:

I Oh, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Right before it airs. So I will like make a note to myself to do that, and then you can now hear that I did that at the beginning, but I so I will update where we are in two months from now, when I'm in the middle of seven figure wealth, how fun And how much I've saved. I feel like that's going to be a good number too.

Speaker 2:

That's right. I could send you our cheeky numbers too, for the whole group, if you want. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That'd be great. I would love that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you so much And I will chat with you soon.

Speaker 1:

And I will see you for our VIP day and all the things. That's right. All right, We'll talk soon. Thanks, Jess. Thank you so much for listening to that episode. It was such a great conversation And I just love everything that Gina is talking about and the way that she talks about money.

Speaker 1:

And she actually has a new workshop coming up called Save Six Figures, Regardless of Your Income. And this is going to be such a valuable workshop that's not only going to teach you how to start looking at money, but actually tactically how to save six figures. One of the funniest things and I think I mentioned it in the episode was that before I joined her program, my brain was like well, don't I just take 100K divided by 12?, And that's what I save every month? And then I was like I don't have enough money, or I don't make enough money to save $8,000 a month, So this program won't help me. That line of thinking was so linear and logical and unhelpful, And really saving six figures is not only more complicated than that, but it is more simple than that, And so I'm so excited to share this with you. So check out the link in the show notes to register for that workshop And I will see you there. Thank you so much for listening and I will see you in my next episode MUSIC.

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